Flat-Coated Retrievers
108 Mile Ranch, BC
Eagletarn Roxy Music
ATCHC, Silver Award of Merit, MSCDC, ExSt Silver, ExJ Bronze,
ExG Bronze, ExS Bronze, VBA, ADI, JWWI, JH, Can/Am WC, CGN
Cynder's Blog
This page is in the process of being updated, please bare with us while we transfer over pictures and videos.
Click on photos to see larger image.
March 13 - 19, 2013 Cynder had become very ill last Wednesday. She refused to eat her dinner and was running a fever of 104.3. Took her to the emergency vet and we did some blook work. Her white blood cells were very low. They gave her something to reduce the fever and nausea. Took her home. Took her back the next morning and did chest/stomach x-rays along with an ultrasound of her stomach. All looked normal, she was still running a high fever and would not eat. We did a biopsy of her lymph node as it was enlarged. They set her up so I could take her home and put her on an IV of liquids at home and also give her pain meds and antibiotics. Cynder was still running a fever but was at least starting to drink on her own. I made up a batch of puppy supplements that had evaporated milk, yogurt, raw eggs, and a few other items. I force fed her this with a syringe and she didn't seem to mind. When I finally got her back into the vets on Monday, she was still running a fever and they couldn't find anything so we decided to take her down to Can West in Vancouver. We were able to get into see the specialist the next day. They also ran more test and found something in her small intestines. Possible cancer. But she was now very weak and her WBC was getting lower. We would have to do more testing of her bone marrow to determine if the intestines was the main or secondary problem as the bone marrow was not producing the white blood cells. Then surgery would have to be performed to remove approx 10 cm of her intestine and if she survived that, (which we were not sure she would) she would be on chemo. Terry and I decided to let her go.
June 16, 2012 Cynder attended the Cariboo Kennel Club's CKC sanctioned match today and earned her CGN. (Canine Good Neighbour).
May 21, 2011 Cynder Qualified for the nationals at this years AAC Agility Regionals. She placed 5th in two standards and 6th in one of the jumpers in her division. We missed both the gambles which kept us off the podium. One gamble would have moved us up to 6th place. Her final placement was 9th with a score of 470.35. She also placed 5th and Q'd in steeplechase 1 and 6th and a Q in Steeplechase 2.
May 15, 2011 Took all the dogs in to be weighed today, and Cynder is 62 lbs. She has put on a bit of weight over the winter and her chest seems to have expanded. She will be competing in the upcoming AAC Regionals in Abbotsford.
Feb 13, 2011 Cynder competed in the Leaps N Bounds agility trial this week-end. I was judging so I only got to run her Friday night. Friday we Q'd 3 out of 4 (darn contact). Saturday a friend ran her but didn't get any clean runs. On Sunday another friend ran her and Q'd 4 out of 4. So all in all it was a very successful week-end.
January 21, 2011 Here is a close-up of Cynder.
January 9, 2011 obed practice video tunnel play video
Xmas 2010 Forrest, Eve & Cynder
Oct 21, 2010 Went for a walk in Walker Valley today. Cynder had way to much fun rolling the the stinky mucky pond.
Aug 2010 We attended the 2010 AAC nationals in Calgary, AB. Cynder is now jumping 16" Vets and has found some new speed. She ran really nice but took down jumps. The only reason I can see for this is that she just ran instead of jumping. She didn't have to put as much effort into it. But boy she was real happy doing it. She placed 8th in her division on Sunday's Jumpers course and place 29th out of 56 overall in her divison.
July 10 & 11, 2010 Cynder qualified in 3 Steeplechase runs at the Clear Sailing Agility Trial in Quesnel.
June 12, 2010 Cynder came through and qualified with 440 points for the AAC nationals in Calgary in August. She also qualified in the two Steeplechase runs on the Friday.
June 6, 2010 Cynder competed in the regional prep trial in Kamloops. She seems to be having problems with her stomach (travel sickness) and isn't really herself. She still managed to qualify in 1 Standard and 2 gamblers. I have decided to move her into vets for the regionals.
March 6, 2010 Cynder competed in Prince George agility trial this week-end and got a 1st and a Q in Snooker and Master Standard. She was running really nice. Her handler had a few moments though.
Nov 7 & 8, 2009 Attended Top Dog agility trial in Prince George this week-end. Cynder ran fantastic. She Q'd 7 out of 8. We missed one gamble because I was out of position. She was soooo happy all week-end. I think she loved having all the attention. I had left Eve at home.
August 30, 2009 Cynder competed in our agility trial this week-end (Cariboo Agility Team) Considering I was doing the scorekeeping, she managed to get 6 Q's out of possible 8. She was a little pokey at the beginning of a few of them but still managed to Q. Her final jumpers run was really great.
June 2009 Cynder attended this years FCRSC specialty in Nanaimo. Not as successful as I had hoped.
She competed in obedience - didn't do so well, she was great in the warm up outside the ring, but once we entered the ring she just shut down. Wouldn't sit when I stopped, didn't heal, she even laid down on her long sits. She did get full marks for her stand for exam though. We haven't spent as much time as we should on obedience training.
She competed in CKC Agility. Got 1 Q in Excellent JWW. Our first standard run she knocked 1 bar. My fault, it was a double (we don't do doubles in AAC) and I didn't line her up properly. Her second standard run, well, she peed in the ring before we even got to the start line. Again, my fault. I didn't air her because she had just went before her first standard and that was maybe 15 minutes earlier. But I must remember to follow routine. She had one clean jumpers run and the other run we had a couple of off courses in one area. I bit of both of our faults.
She also did some WCI tests. In the first test put on by the NKC she did great on her land double and also did a nice honour. We fell apart literally at the water. I was just about to leave the blind, I had ust taken Cynder's leash off of her when the person in front of me demanded her leash. She had left if behind the blind, I bent down to pick it up for her and Cynder took off to the water. This is a fail. I got her under control (I was already frustrated) and was lining her up at the line which was a very small mucky area at the edge of the water when I slipped in the mud and fell. Cynder jumped out of the way. Got ourselves somewhat back together and lined her up again. The first bird/gun went off and Cynder took off before the 2nd gunner threw his bird. So Cynder didn't even know there was a 2nd bird. Another Fail. She found and brought the bird back great. Thought I'd try and send her to the 2nd fall since it was in the water and needed to be retrieved. No such luck, she just returned to the first fall. What a gong show. The next day we tried again in the FCRSC WCI test. This time for her double on land, she didn't even look at the 2nd bird going down. She went straight for the 1st bird and took the very long route through the stream to bring it back (it was hot out). I was a little concerned about her getting the 2nd bird. Once I finally got her head in the right direction she was great. Went straight to the area and got the bird. Yippee. Now it was time for our honour. I had problems keeping her seated. She wouldn't take her eyes off the gunner. Even though we were allowed to talk softly to them, I continually told her to leave it and to sit. As soon as the gunner shot the gun, she was gone. Another fail. We ended our day with a great swim with some buddies in the ocean. All the dogs needed to relax and so did I.
June 6, 2009 YAHOO....CYNDER ACHIEVES HER "SILVER AWARD OF MERIT" at this week-ends AAC agility trial in Kamloops. She completed her 25th master standard and already had her 50 master games. She also "Q"'d in her gamblers 2 run, what made this so special was that she was the only masters dog to qualify.
May 18, 2009 The 2009 AAC BC/Yukon Agility Regional Championships held in Campbell River are finished for another year. Cynder was awesome. She placed 5th in the 22" special division with a score of 470.35. You need 350 points to qualify for the nationals. She placed 4th in Gamblers 1, 6th in Gamblers 2, 5th in Standard 1 and 5th in Jumpers 2. We didn't get a chance to even walk this jumpers course because I walked the wrong one and when I found out it was too late so I just had to watch the dogs ahead of us. But we managed to run it clean. Unfortunately we will not be able to attend this years Nationals being held in Ottawa.
2009 AAC BC/Yukon Agility Regionals - 5th place - 22" Specials Division
Click below on the video you wish to view.
Jumpers 2Standard 1Jumpers 1Gamblers 1Gamblers 2Standard 2
May 10, 2009 Did some well needed water retrieve practicing today. The retrieves are OK but the stuff in between is a little rusty. Click here to view
April 10 - 12, 2009 The family went down to the coast so Cynder could get some agility practice in before the Regionals in May. She was fabulous. She got her Master Steeplechase Dog of Canada title along with 4 Master standard, 1 more steeplechase and 2 Master jumper "Q's. She should of had a few more but there were a few handler errors. She only needs 1 more standard for her Silver Award of Merit.
Click here to view a video of Cynder's Steeplechase Title - MSCDC
March 8, 2009 Cynder and I finally got to compete in an agility trial. Its been 4 months. We're a bit rusty.
Click here to view Cynders Gamblers. Its not pretty but it got us our ExG Bronze and VBA.
Click here to view Cynders Steeplechase run -she was .09 sec over time. Run under manual timing
February 2009 - Eve is always chewing on Cynders ears. When she goes outside in the cold they freeze.
January 27, 2009 - took the dogs for a walk to Walker Valley
Eve pretending she's a pointer Watch out here they come Eve and Cynder relaxing on a bench
January 5, 2009 Cynder loves to come along on our x-country ski outing. She runs alongside and has learned not to get in the way.
Cynder all decked out in her boots and saddlebags She's really good at keeping over to the side.
December 2008 - Cynder and Eve have become really good buddies. Eve won't leave Cynder's ears alone but Cynder doesn't seem to mind.
Merry Christmas from the gang
November 16, 2008 Cynder attended her last agility trial of the year at Kamloops. We were hoping to get her final steeplechase "Q" for her title but we ran 3 seconds over time. Only 4 dogs managed to quality out of the whole bunch. She did manage to get a Masters jumpers "Q" to add to her totals towards her Silver. Poor Cynder had to share her crate with her little sis Eve. She wasn't to happy about it.
Cynder giving her really sad look
click here to view Cynder's Steeplechase run (note: not our fastest or best steeplechase run)
November 9, 2008 We had another hunt practice today at 150 Mile. Cynder is doing well with her doubles and starting to get her distance. Although, once she retrieved a real bird she refused to pick up bumpers after that so I had to do some basics with her again. She is getting along real nice with her new sister Eve. They are playing together a lot now. And of course I'm sure she will teach her everything she knows, well at least all the bad stuff.
September 13, 2008 Cynder was entered into her first Senior hunt trial at the Golden Retriever trial at TNT in Abbotsford. On Saturday she just wasn't herself and failed her double land marks. She was basically walking thru it. At the end of the day I noticed her favouring her side and had one of the vets check her out and she had soar ribs on both sides but the vet said she would be ok for the next days events. On Sunday we passed the land double. On her second mark she overran it and when I finally got site of her again she was headed way off towards the master's area. I was able to whistle her back but then she headed back to the first mark, again I whistled her over and she took the direction all the way over to the correct mark. The next test was a water blind. Although we didn't pass I was very happy with her performance. She went immediately into the water when I sent her. She was headed the wrong direction and I tried to whistle sit her in the water but she didn't listen and ended up on the bank at which time I was able to get her to go over. She went over but back so she was a ways away from the bird which was on the edge of the water. So I whistled her back in and she went straight to the bird and to my amazement she got straight back into the water and came right back to me.
August 2008 Unfortunately the 108 Mile hunt test was cancelled. We have decided to try our senior skills at the upcoming Golden Retriever test in Sept. Have been practicing with Cynder's sister Ozlynn.
Cynder Ozlynn Sisters
July/August 2008 Cynder has competed in a couple more AAC trials and only needs 7 standards and 8 games to get her Silver Award of Merit and 2 more legs for her Steeplechase Championship. Its a bit slow going since we have moved. There are not as many trials available to us.
June 14, 15, 2008 Cynder participated in this years BC/Yukon Agility Regionals held in Abbotsford, B.C. She placed 12th out of 32 dogs in her division. We had one really bad regular run. Weave problems, off course, refusal. Just an all around bad run. The rest of her runs weren't bad but we weren't able to make up the big lose of points from the regular run. The dogs on the podium in the 22" specials division were all border collies except the 1st place dog was a very fast lab. We qualified to attend the Nationals in New Brunswick, but we will not be able to attend this year.
April 11,12, 2008 Participated in the 2008 Flat Coated Retriever Club of America's specialty events. Cynder acquired her first US Junior Hunt leg and successfully completed the US WC test. She did her first ever double (I didn't realize we had to do doubles until 1 week before the test) and also retrieved her first ever live fall. She didn't hesitate to do either. She was awesome. We also competed in the unsteady singles and she completed the land portion but unfortunately on the water she lost the second mark - it had been thrown behind a log in the water and as she was starting off she came across a stick sticking out of the water and turned towards that then turned back and totally lost her bearings. I was unable to get her to take that bird in the water. She seemed to have been spooked by something and even when I got her to swim up to it she wouldn't take it.
She also got her first legs towards her Novice Standard and Novice Fast in Agility. Coming in first in the standard and 3rd in the fast. (she missed her A-frame contact or she would have been first).
August 12, 2007 Yahoo - Cynder got her Junior Hunter Title. She was fabulous. Had a few hesitations but other than that she was great. We almost didn't make the Sunday trial due to a flat tire. Thanks to Anna for coming to look for us and taking Cynder to run her on the land for me while I waited for my tire to be replaced. We made it in time to run her on the water. She's getting a bit too excited and makes a lot of noise. I'll have to find a way to stop this. But its great to see the enthusiasm.
July 21 & 22, 2007 Cynder completed her Intermediate Jumpers With Weaves and was 1 leg short of getting her Intermediate Standard in this week-ends CKC agility trial put on by the Pacific Kennel Club. I think she was showing off for Anna. She Q's 5 out of 8. Again it was the 24" jump heights and different equipment that seems to be the problem, but she's getting better.
July 14, 2007 Cynder got her WC (Working certificate). She's starting to do really nice junior type retrieving. She still bank runs a bit, but we'll keep working on that. She's pretty good at keeping the bird in her mouth all the way back. We've been using some clicker training methods to help with her returning a bit quicker. Off to 108 in a couple of weeks to work on finishing our Junior Hunt.
July 7th, 2007 Cynder competed in her first AKC agility trial. She has to jump 24" and do the spreads etc. She ran fairly nice but she dropped a bar in every run so we didn't get any "Q's". I would like to try to get her out of novice before the upcoming Specialty in April but with my very busy schedule I'm not sure we will have much chance to get back to the US to try again.
June 3, 2007 Cynder placed 7th in the 22" specials division at this years AAC BC/Yukon Regionals. (Bandit placed 11th in the very competitive 16" Vets Deivision) She was very close to getting on the podium. She was having problems with the heat but one of the main reasons for missing the 6th placing was that during our gamblers run on Saturday Cynder decided it was time to take a poop - right in the middle of our closing gamble. (She was on her way to getting it too) So instead of loosing our opening points (which would happen if she went in the ring) I crossed over the gamble line and touched her and told her no. Guess what - she stopped before anything actually happened and we walked off the course keeping our opening points but not getting our 35 closing points. I really need to work on a command to get her to go poop. She's a very particular girl and holds it forever until she starts to run in the ring then she can't hold it no more. On Sunday, I made sure that Terry walked Cynder off in a private setting until she went. Although, we didn't get the second gamblers in time.
April 15, 2007 Cynder earned her first leg towards her Junior Hunter. She's quite eager to go out and get the birds. Also realizes the birds are coming from different directions and to listen to the call of the bird and the shot. She was very good on Saturday also except when it came to the water retrieves. One test was set up in such a way that the dog actually had an option to go straight thru the water to the bird or to run along the bank. Well I guess Cynder did a quick review of the situation and decided it was much more efficient to run the bank. She did not hesitate to go get the bird and bring it back to hand, but really didn't go in the water.
February 25, 2007 YAHOOOO...Cynder earned her SATCHC (Specials Agility Trial Champion of Canada) title at the Leaps N Bounds trial. She completed her final Snooker and gamblers masters runs. All this before she turned 3. What a girl.
October 28th, 2006 Cynder achieved her SMADC. (Specials Masters Agility Dog Of Canada) Title. Bandit also got his BRONZE award of Merit.
Sept 9, 10, 2006 Participated in her first Junior Hunt Test with the BCLab club. Saturday was another case of great dog too bad about the handler. Cynder did both her 2 land retrieves and her 2 water retrieves wonderfully. She has figured out that the two birds come from different directions and to listen for the gun. Unfortunately I asked her to release the last bird a little too early and it hit the ground before I could catch it. Immediate fail. Sunday, great handler too bad about the dog. Cynder passed the first 2 land retrieves without a problem. When it came to the water, well, I guess she needed some exercise or something since she went on a wild goose chase. She started off heading straight for the bird, but for some unknown reason changed her direction and ended up swimming all over the place for quite a long time. She just couldn't get her bearings again. Or she was just blowing me off (most likely). Took a lot of calling etc to get her to come back to me (without a bird). We tried the next bird which was a much easier retrieve. Again she went straight out to the bird and was within a couple of feet of it when she realized it's wings were sticking up (they had been tied) and she got a little spooked and wouldn't take it. Terry was the gunner and was close by, so between him and me we were able to convince her to finally take the bird. We had her just give it to him and then swim back to me. We were defiantly the entertainment for the day. We will be trying to get lots more practice time in before the spring. We learned some valuable things again - how to release the dog from its leash without getting it tangled or the dog backing out of it and don't touch your dog until you have the leash back on and have left the line. Oh yeah, and don't tell your dog its a good dog when it isn't bringing back the bird.
August 26,27, 2006 Paws Ahead held their first sanctioned AAC agility trial at Burnaby Lake. Great weather. Cynder got another Master Standard Q. She only needs one more to get her SMADC. (Specials Masters Agility Dog of Canada). Still no luck in getting that elusive advanced jumpers leg.
August 17-20, 2006 Both Cynder and Bandit competed in the AAC Nationals held at Swangard Stadium in Burnaby. Bandit injured himself playing with Cynder on Friday and by the end of day on Saturday was showing signs of injury so he was pulled from the competition. Cynder was great. She placed 5th in her division on Friday in the Steeplechase run which put her in the finals (money round) on Sunday. She ran awesome - all out. We had an off course and a dropped bar so our placing wasn't very good, but she was still awesome. She did everything asked of her. She placed 14th out of 30 dogs in her division in the overall standings at the Nationals. Not bad for a 29 month old pup. I wasn't sure how she'd do with the heat, but we managed to keep her cool and she kept her enthusiasm throughout the competition. Bandit and Cynder were the only Flat Coats running.
August 5, 2006 Took Bandit and Cynder over to the Island for a one day agility trial. Bandit got his final Gamble leg to get his VATCHC. Was hoping to get Cynders last advanced jumpers leg so she would move up to masters jumpers but no such luck. One dropped bar from getting that last advanced leg. She didn't get any "Q"'s
July 2006 - Took both Cynder and Bandit to the 2006 Flat Coat Specialty in Lethbridge. Very hot. Had a great time seeing all those great flat coats. First off, Klute, Cynders dad took Best In Show on the Friday then took Best in Specialty on the Saturday and then went on to take Best of Breed and Best in Sporting Group on the Sunday. Wow...what a great dog. Not bad for an 8 year old. I had entered Cynder and Bandit in Obedience and Cynder in altered female conformation and WC (working Certificate - hunt). Cynder was a little brat her first time in the obedience ring. It was outdoors so all she wanted to do was sniff. She got 0 on all her healing and recalls, but she got full marks for her stand for exam and sit & downs stays. Not enough to get a leg. Bandit on the other hand took top Flat Coat in the trial and won some goodies. I worked Bandit in the healing/recalls etc, Terry took him in for the sits and downs. The second trial Cynder was a bit better, still laggy and sniffy but she at least followed me this time, again great stand for exam and sit/down stays. She and Bandit both tied for top Flat Coats in the trial and both got a leg. Bandit would have got higher if Terry hadn't stepped on his tail and touched him to stable himeself. note: Bandit did not get up. Cynder was awesome in her hunt test - to bad about the handler. We had to do 2 land and 2 water retrieves. Her first retrieve was done very well. She even brought the bird to hand (which wasn't a requirement). When I tried to send her to the 2nd bird which was 90 degrees from the last, she just kept focusing on where the first bird was. I thought I had her set and had them release the next bird and just at that time she turned her head towards the last mark and away she went in the wrong direction. I was able to get her back, but I had to handle her a lot at the start line to get her focused on the next bird. We did eventually get organized and they threw another bird for her and she went right after it. She was taking a while to pick it up, when people noticed that she already had one bird and she was trying to pick up the one that had been thrown earlier. I eventually was able to call her back with just one bird. Again, she brought it to hand. The judge was kind enough to let us be the test dog for the water retrieves. Cynder did very well. When she first went out for the bird, it was turned upwards showing a white belly and the wings were quite high in the water and she was totally startled and jumped back. I was able to direct her to pick up the bird in the water and again she brought it back to me. The 2nd water retrieve went very well. We learned some valuable things from this test. We need to work more with 2 people throwing from different places, not always from one direction and we need to get our hands on different types/colors of birds.
June 2006 Competed in our first CKC agility trial. Cynder got 2 Novice legs. One in Standard and one in jumpers with weaves.
May 2006 - Competed in the AAC BC/Yukon agility regionals. It was a great time. Cynder did extremely well. Both Bandit and Cynder have qualified to compete in this years National event being held at Swangard Stadium in August. Have decided to put Cynder into specials jumping 22". Now that she has matured and her chest etc have filled out she has been showing signs of having problems jumping 26". We want to have a very long agility life so the decision was made.
April 2006 - We have been extremely busy so haven't had a chance to update Cynder's page. As of today she is competing in Masters level in all AAC events except Jumpers. She has 1 leg of her Advanced jumpers. We are having a small problem with the spread jump, so will do some work on that. She also has her first Steeplechase "Q". She had a few clean runs but was over time from either 1 - 3 seconds. She's a little slow on her A-Frame contact. She has great contacts but comes down the A-frame too slowly. Both Cynder and Bandit are entered in this years AAC BC/Yukon Regional Competition in May
September 10, 2005 - Cynder was entered in her first AAC agility trial. We had been working on our jumping for the last few weeks and her weave poles so I was hoping that it would go ok. My plan was to use this only as a practice in a live atmosphere and see where we had to do some more work. We entered in Starters team and 2 standard courses. Well...... Cynder was awesome - we qualified in all three events. She is now in Advanced team and needs one more standard to move up to advanced. I've never seen her so excited about agility before. She was having a great time. Whenever she finished a run people would come up and praise her and she would get lots of treats. This was a great experience for her. We now have to start working a little more on our front/rear crosses and our distance work. She is entered in the upcoming trial at the end of the month.
July 1, 2005 - Cynder competed in an agility fun match in Squamish. I ran her at 26". Her first run of the day you would have thought that she had never seen a jump before. Wouldn't take any of the jumps without lots of persuasion from me. Her contacts were pretty good. I lowered down to 22" and she did the same thing. I them took her over to the practice jumps and she wouldn't jump them at first. Them I took one of the bars off (I usually train with only 1 bar up) and she jumped it with no problem. Go figure). Her next run I ran her at 16", she did a bit better, but still not sure. The last run of the day, she was playing with a stick outside the ring, so I decided to become involved with her play and then I took the stick into the ring with us and she jumped every jump with no problem. I believe she was really distracted for the first few runs and was just being a stubborn flatcoat for a few hours. She does not appear to have anything physical wrong with her, but I will keep an eye out.
May 12, 2005 - 14 months old - weighs 52.9 lbs and stands 23.5" at the withers. Still waiting for her coat to come in. We were at the lake again today and boy is she ever getting good at retrieving bumpers in the water. We did quite a long retrieve today. She swam very fast all the way out, but ran out of umph on the way back and headed for the beach closest to her. I was glad she was smart enough to do that. She still found her way back to me on land. I wasn't really that far away, but I was out of her sight for a bit.
May 6, 2005 - We went to work in the field again today. Cynder retrieved 3 bumpers from the pond then we tried on land. And yahoo....she was very focused on getting them and she brought all of them back. I have been working with her on taking different things into her mouth. We are using the clicker method.
Cynder's first Agility Fun Match (bit out of focus)
April 30, 2005 Cynder has had a very busy week. Tuesday we went out to a barn to practice her agility and get used to different smells and equipment. Thursday we went to Buntzen Lake with her buddy Timmy, to practice swimming and retrieving bumpers. She was a little unsure entering the water at first, but it didn't take her long before she was retrieving like a pro. Friday we went back to the fields to practice our field work. I put her on a long line and she had a great time retrieving her wings on land, but still had a problem with bumpers so I attached a wing to the bumper and she brought it back, but was trying to get the wing off. We then went to work in the pond (the more shallow one) and she was wonderful. She would retrieve the bumper and bring it to land. Not to my hand yet, but we are working at this. We threw the bumper into the middle of the pond which was quite a ways away and she had no problem retrieving it. We then let her play with Beck, Anna's new 7 month old puppy, and they both romped through the grasses and would run into the pond and swim. Cynder would go into the water and just swim around. Saturday was her big debut into the agility world. Her first fun match. She was wonderful. Did her two on two off contacts like a pro, listened quite well - only wondered once to go visit the ring crew. She dropped one bar in each run. Her weaves were pretty good considering we've only been working on them for a couple of months, and we have just taken the guides off. We have to work on her running and trying to sniff the ground at the same time. I believe this will get better as she matures and starts to have more fun. One of our biggest accomplishments was when I put her in a sit/stay at the start line and lead out to the third jump without turning back, she stayed even with other dogs fussing behind her, and didn't move until I called her.
Cy nder waiting her turn to go fetch.
April 22, 2005 - We joined in some field fun today. Got a chance to watch some very experienced dogs practice their stuff - then it was Cynders turn. She had no problem retrieving a bird wing on or off a bumper. She wouldn't just bring a plain bumper back without the wing unless it was thrown into the pond. She would go in and get it from the pond and would bring just passed the edge before dropping it. She had a really big problem with the deep pond. It dropped off very suddenly and the first time she went to go in, her head went in first and went under water and another pup came along and jumped on her so she couldn't get up. Well of course this caused her to have a fear of this pond. She really wanted to go in the water after the bumper, she would paw at the water but wouldn't go in. So, hopefully we can find a place to work on this problem. We have our work cut out for us. She has to learn how to dive and keep her head up. We also need to work on her fetching and holding items.
March 8, 2005 - Cynder is 1 year old today. Boy, how time flies.
January 18, 2005 Happy New Year everyone. Well Cynder was in her last conformation show in December. Terry and I had made a very difficult decision to have her spayed in January - a dog in heat just doesn't work with our busy schedule. It was hard to make this decision because we had met some great people and had lots of fu;n. So on January 14 Cynder was spayed. We also had a lump removed from her hip area and a biopsy done. Tunred out it was scare tissue from an injury. We can only assume it was from playing with the other dogs. I also had her hips x-rayed while she was under, and the Vet said she had great conformation in her hips and her growth plates have closed. Once she is back to normal I want to carry on with our training. Time to start our obedience training for the ring and see how she does with her bird wings outside and of course continue with our agility training.
Nov 18, 2004 I think Cynder has finally slowed down in her growing. She weighs approx 60 lbs. now. Still doesn't have much of a coat yet. We have been working on just playing. She's just too serious, so I have decided that we will spend time everyday just playing. I get on the ground with her and get her favorite tug toy and we just play, wrestle for awhile. She loves to retrieve her bird wings. We are still practicing in the house. Whenever I go to the laundry room (which is where I keep the wings) she follows me with her tail going and ready to play find the wing. I am now able to attach it to a soft bumper. I will hide the wing somewhere in the house and tell her to fetch up. She takes off like a flash and searches until she finds it. A couple of times the cat has found it first and its quite funny to see Cynder standing almost like a pointer, patiently waiting for the cat to leave. It's really neat to watch her go into her search & find mode. She has a very determand manner about her. I usually remain in the living room while she searches (unless she is taking to long and the cat is the problem) and she brings the wing back to me. When we have done this a few times, I put the wing away and we just play on the floor for a few minutes. She seems to really enjoy this.
Cynder and her pal Rally. They both love to be on the table as soon as its put out.
Oct 29 & 30 Cynder participated in the largest dog show in Canada this week-end. She was shown against her sister (the pick of the litter). Her sister- Osland, is shorter and more compact than Cynder and looks much more mature. Osland came in first in the puppy breed. Way to go Osland. Cynder needs to do some more maturing. No big hurry here. Good news is, we finely got her to retrieve bird wings. She seems to really like it. I'm working her at home indoors for now. I hide the wing somewhere in the house and she goes and finds it. She's quite persistent too. Once I feel she really has the game down, we'll try it outside. She now weighs 57 lbs and measures in at 23". Now you know why she's still immature looking. She's doing very well with her agility. She can now do 10" jumps - up to 3 in a row. She is doing a full teeter complete with a 2-on, 2-off contact and has done a 2 foot high A-frame with no problem. We are currently looking into Competitive Obedience classes. I think she should do very well at this since she is such a calm puppy. She is already doing a fairly good sit stay. Not for too long, but its coming.
September 27 Cynder and I have been very busy with preparing for her first couple of conformation showings. Her first time in the ring was on Sept 10. She was a little nervous I think. A new handler (Anna) and all. The second day, she was much better, more relaxed. She now knew Anna. We came home with lots of ribbons - I still don't know what they all mean. Her next conformation event was this last Friday. She was very happy to see Anna and she showed much better. The one thing I really noticed, when she went up against all the other sporting dog puppies was that she was the only dog in the ring that actually looked like a puppy. Gangly legs and all. A lot of the other puppies were much older than she was and it really showed. But it was a good experience for her. I think she is starting to get it and realize it's not a bad thing, she gets treats. Her next show will be October 8,9,10th. It'll be a busier week-end for her. Cynder now weighs 53 lbs and stands 21 1/2 inches at the withers. So she'll be jumping 26" in agility. Speaking of agility - she's doing the tunnels quickly now on command. We have been working her contacts/targets on the stairs and have transferred what she has learned over to the down side of the teeter. We use a table to keep the teeter from dropping back to the floor on the entry side so she only has to worry about it coming down. She does her touch/target pretty darn good.
Cynder in Puppy Breed w/ Anna Cynder competing against a full grown dog Cynder in puppy group Cynder on 2nd day w/ Andrew
Showing off her ribbons Cynder's daddy Klute
September 1 Cynder now weighs 51 lbs. Whew, she's finally slowed down in her growing. We have been working with her on her conformation stand and prance. She's standing nicely, back feet still need a little work. She prances really nice. Looks good. We are also working on her retrieve. She brings the bumper back as far as maybe 1 - 2 feet in front of me, then drops it. So I am putting her on a long lead and trying to treat her if she goes all the way to my side with it in her mouth. I am also teaching her to sit with the whistle for field work down the road. She has been bringing new and exciting things from outside on a regular basis. Yesterday, she was kind enough to bring me an apple off the tree. Today though, she ever so gently brought me a dead mouse. It was quite a large white mouse. At first I thought it was part of a toy that she has and I went to take it from her mouth, but it felt wet and well, not quite right. I had her release it and low and behold there lie a dead mouse on my floor. She was quite proud. I tried to praise her for brining it so gently to me, but between the yuks I was saying, it was hard to praise. Reminder to myself. Check what is in the mouth before you ask for it to hand. Ealier this week Cynder was alone in the living room for a short period of time (unknown to me) and she had a great time chewing on my glasses. Darn good think I had just ordered a new pair. Has to try out those new teeth of hers. A new day a new adventure.
August 14 Cynder's first practice stack with Anna. Such a proud moment.
August 13 Cynder has now taken to bringing in pieces of Gutter along with grass, rocks, wood, fencing. (I keep telling myself) What a good little retriever. What a good little retriever. She now weighs 49 lbs.
August 5 Cynder now weighs 47 lbs and loves to take everything away from Bandit. Here she is taking Bandits ball away when hers is right next to her. This was taken on our vacation at Timothy Lake.
Look how big she's getting. Almost as big as Boo.
July 14 - Cynder is 41 lbs and 19 1/2" tall. She's looking like a dog now, not just a puppy. She attended her first agility camp last week-end with her big bro Bandit and sis Ginger. She participated for the first morning, small bits at a time. We tested her on her nose touch to the target and she got 100% accuracy on her third try. Both Cynder and Ginger were patient for the whole 4 days while Bandit was off participating in the camp. It was a long drive to and from Quesnel but all the dogs settled in nicely for the trip. I have started her on stair work for her contacts and she just loves doing the wobble board. Yesterday she brought me a foot long piece of my lattice fencing from my yard. Later she brought me a smaller piece. She's not brining in as much dirt & grass as she used to, but we just never know what will be next. I'm hoping to get her started on retrieving for field soon. It looks like she'll be in her first confirmation in September.
One of Cynders not so nice habits is digging
June 24 - Cynder is 32 lbs. She attended the AAC Regionals this last week-end with her big brother Bandit. Bandit placed 7th in his division, much improved over his last years trial. She was a very well behaved little puppy all week-end. I took her to the puppy wading pool and she just had a blast going after the pictures on the bottom of the pool. It really made me laugh out loud. Nice stress reliever. When all the trialing was done we took all the dogs to the lake for a quick swim. By the time I got all the leashes off and got myself organized, Cynder was already in the water retrieving balls and bumpers. Her first few attempts at swimming were your typical funny dog paddle splash, but she soon was swimming like a pro. You could say she took to it like a duck to water. She just followed all the other dogs in and just did it. She has no fear. I have been thinking about showing her in conformation as a puppy. Will have to work on her stand and trotting. I'm also considering field work with her. I'd like to have her involved in more than one dog sport. She's such a smart little girl, I'm sure she will be able to do well at what ever we attempt. Hopefully, we will get back to our training routine soon. The house is now being repaired/painted etc and now that the regionals are over, maybe we can get back to having some fun practicing.
June 15 - Cynder is growing, growing, growing. Last week she weighed 28 lbs and I am guessing she is now 30 at least. Her training is coming along. We have not had the opportunity to train each day since our break-in. Lots to do to fix up the house etc. Her downs are doing better and so are her lefts. She is now touching the target with her nose 80% of the time. We worked on sit-ups one day and every time I asked her to sit she would bring her front paws up slightly. So I have stopped working sit ups for now and will resume them again when I am able to spend more time on it and give it it's own name. I have introduced her to the ladder and now the wobble (Buja) board. She has no fear on the buja board. Neither the movement, nor the sound bother her. I had one day when I actually saw her flat coat personality come out while we were in a training session. My first thoughts were, OH boy, is she going to be a handful when she gets a little bigger. A good hand full though. Lots of spunk. She attended an agility trial with the family this week-end and she behaved wonderfully. She stayed in the pen with the other dogs without any fussing. This coming week-end she will be attending the AAC Agility Regionals being held in Victoria. Her big brother Bandit will be competing. Bandit and Cynder are now playing. Lots of tug. Ginger and her are best of buds. One big happy family. She is now allowed to sleep outside her crate at night along with the other dogs in the kitchen. She is much quieter and she wakes up around 5:30 mostly because that's when Bandit wakes up. She has not had a mistake in the house for a few weeks now. She is retrieving everything she can get into her mouth. Sunday I heard her hitting her paw against the doggy door to get in, but she wasn't coming through the door, so I went to see what the problem was and she had a long stick in her mouth, lengthwise, that wouldn't fit through the door. It was hilarious. Once I was at the door, she decided it was OK to drop the stick and come it
June 3 - Having some fun at the daycare. Cynder loves to play tug.
May 27 - Cynder was in to have her second shots today. She weighed in at 23.5 lbs. She has now doubled her body weight. She is getting along very well now with our other dogs. Ginger and her play together frequently throughout the day. Bandit will play with her for short periods of time. Mostly he tolerates her pulling at his ears and neck. She still follows him around. We have been working on watch and a target plate. She has picked both these up quite quickly. She has learned to look at me instead of where the treat is in order to get the treat. Her targeting is doing very well. We are almost at a nose touch to the target. Sometimes there is still the "lets just pounce on the target, it's much more fun". But all in all she is doing great. We have dropped the target stick and are now doing sides without it. We need to go back and work on her "here's" some more - she seems to have forgotten that one already. She is beginning to show quite the playful little attitude. Starting to play "catch me if you can" game when she thinks she's in trouble. Her leave it command is pretty good. Even though everything that she comes in contact with ends up in her mouth, usually when I tell her to leave it, she will. Except if it is my shoes. She just loves shoes. Her housetraining is better. Some days its wonderful, others well, not so wonderful. She has been at daycare a few times now and has no problem with the other dogs, big or small. We have worked/played a lot of tug. I want her to really like tugging when she starts agility. Here she is playing tug with Radar and Echo - she won.
May 16 - Cynder has put on another 2 lbs and has all of a sudden become tall and thinner. No longer the rolly polly puppy.
I'm innocent come on big bro - is that the best you can do Look mom I grew.. still my favorite position one big happy family
May 12 - Last week Cynder went to see her vet to get her shots and is doing very well. She weighed 14 lbs on May 5th. Today she weighs 17 lbs. As of today, her sits are very good. We are now working on holding the sit for a short while. Her down is coming along. I have introduced Cynder to a target stick and am using it to train side & left commands. I am also working on a roll over. She can also walk over a board that tips slightly to give a teeter action. She showed no fear at all. She is also running through the tunnel with my other dogs. So I am taking that opportunity to click and treat her for doing the tunnel.
I have now removed the pen around her crate and she sleeps in the kitchen with the crate door closed at night. (next to the other dogs) She wakes at approx. 5:30 am only because our other flat coat starts to whine to be let out. Otherwise I believe she would sleep in longer. She has taken to carrying all my shoes around the house and also brings my shoes from outside through the doggy door into the house. She is getting much better at using the doggy door and going outside by herself for bathroom runs. She still has the occasional mistake inside, but is improving on a regular basis.
May 12 Cynder & Radar
May 3 at 8 weeks old, she knows her name and comes when called (most of the time) sits on command and is in the process of learning a down. She has learned to go up and down our back stairs to go outside by herself. Although she prefers to follow our other flat coat, Bandit. She is sleeping through the night until 5-ish. We have her in an open crate within a pen. When she is tired she goes to the crate to sleep.
She is a very active little girl, constantly on the go. Our mini doxie, Ginger is just finally starting to play with her. Ginger is very jealous, but we try to make sure she comes first in whatever activity is happening at the time. Bandit (our 6 yr old) has also started to play with Cynder. Cynder loves to follow Bandit everywhere. She is his little shadow.
Cynder had her first short stay at the daycare April 30 and had a great time. She is very friendly and has no problems with people or dogs. (or our cat)
7 wks w/lge ball big belly with big Bro dandy food
April 23rd Cynder came home - yeh......
Cynder has been introduced to clicker training and is doing very well.
We waited patiently for our puppy to come home.
pups at 1 week pups at 19 days